Saturday, August 31, 2019

Moore Medical Corporation

Q1.   Today people start new business ventures with different expectations than it was to be in the past.   As many techniques, ways and means of dealing with customers have also changed.   The new technology to many people has brought a lot of significant changes in the global business environment.   All the business sectors including private and government sectors are currently doing reengineering on how businesses are operated.   This is happening because of the new information and communication technologies.   Different companies are coming up with various types of new information system.   . For the case of Moore Medical co-operation the customer relationship management software may be purchased to meet its objectives.   What is important for the success of any organization is whether its objectives are met in the long run.   The problem Moore is facing is to find a new technology to service its customers better, to generate new business and to give employees the tools to handle a growing number of customer communications, more efficiently and effectively. I therefore suggest that the customer relations management software (CRM) or technology will ensure that customers are served well.   Production will never be high if customers are not served well or attracted.   The way customers are handled will determine the success of the business. The CRM technology will therefore improve customer interaction consistence between the economy and its customers. Q2.   Most companies have failed to realize the finical benefits because of poor financial evaluation of what is being purchased.   Financial evaluation comprise of knowing the value of what is being purchased.   Disappointing results have been gotten because the cost of installing most of the new technologies are highly than the benefits that it will create at the end of the financial year. Financial benefits of any item can be evaluated. For example Moore medical cooperation can assess its financial benefits of the proposed technology.   One way is by analyzing the number of customers that are making orders using the new technology.   If the number of customers using the new technology is high then the new technology introduced is favorable to the company.   Another way through which the financial benefits can be assed is by comparing the installation cost, training cost, implementation cost with the sales that is obtained from the use of the new technology. It is obvious that implementation of the software’s will need some money.   Those who will be at the customer service department will also be trained.   So any cost associated with the introduction of the new system should be recorded down then compared with the sales obtained after the new system has been put into place.   This will determine if the company will be making profits or losses as a result of introducing the new technology. Q3.The success of any business or organization will depend on it quality of customer service skills employees working in customer service department possess.   Moore Medical Corporation has not been left behind.   The company is considering purchasing customer relationship management software with an objective of improving the ways of responding to customer desires. The CRM software will ensue that customer orders are not delayed.   The new technology (CRM) to Moore would increase or attract more customers and even maintain and keep the already existing ones. The number of customers a company serves normally determines the sales that the company will get.   Production rate would also increase by fixing the new technology in the system The new information and communication technology has changed the way businesses are done in the business environment.   Customers nowadays want maximum satisfaction from the company managers and front-line employees serving them.   Without new IT there is nothing that can be improved in any organization.   Performance and quality of products in any organization will only increase if the use of new information technology is implemented.   Goods will be delivered in time, customers will be served effectively and efficiently ensuring that they are fully satisfied.   New business and products have also been created in the environment as a result of the introduction of the new technology. Among the business needs Moore is hoping to address with this new information technology include the following.   They want to improve sales forecasting.   They also want to reduce the number of sales representatives and reduce time to attend to customers.   The new information will also increase the accuracy and accessibility of the information obtained from customers.   The other business needs that will be addressed by the new technology are to increase rep effectiveness and efficiency and finally to increase the customer interaction consistency among all representatives by increasing company control and manner of customer interaction. Q4.Training is one of the most business practices that any company should do whenever any new technology is introduced in a company.   All organization members need training to acquire new skills and knowledge for the production to be increased and effective. Training should provide essential information on the department / program. If the company uses new technology, the supervisor of that particular company needs to train the employees on how to use the software introduced. For the case of Moore medical cooperation, training its customer’s service representation on how to use the information technology that is the customer relations management software was ignored.   For example it was realized that the customers service representative found the order entry system in J.D. Edwards difficult to use in comparison to their old system.   The new account set up process within J.D Edwards also added time to customer calls.   It therefore means that customer needs and interest would be lowered.   When the way they are served is sluggish then there is a possibility that the company may lose them. Effective communication is another area where the Moore Company has failed to adopt.   Actually when changes are created in an organization, the management or human resource manager should ensure that the change is communicated to all the groups served by the organization (Satzinger, 2004). Effective communication is one of the key issues that the organization should know about its customers.   All members in any organization including employees, customers and suppliers have different cultural background.   The Moore should therefore consider the customers’ practices, likes, interest, belief and values.   After considering all these elements of culture the organization will then be in a position of making a good decision whether the new technology will work or fail.   In short the Moore manager should know about the cultural background of its customers to identify whether they will like the new technology created (Satzinger, 2004). Q5.The use of the new information and communication technology has created numerous changes in the global market and in companies dealing in electronic commerce.   New businesses have been created in the environment while old ones have been transformed. New business models have been formed that would that would have been unthinkable for years back.   However there are advantages and disadvantages that have resulted from the introduction of computer software. Moore move into E-commerce with an intention of improving customer service might result into same advantages and disadvantages.   For first the advantages are numerous.   If properly implemented the new system will automatically serve its customers better.   By improving customer Service, it means that the sales and production will also increase. Production in any organization will be determined by the number of customers it serves.   If more customers are attracted then it means that the profit or the financial benefits that the company wants to achieve will also be high.   The CRM software will therefore help Moore cooperation to realize high financial benefits. Service delivery by increasing the number of orders taken from customers will also increase While the advantages are visible, there are some negative outcomes that Moore might get by moving into E-commerce.   Culture of the customers might actually influence and determine whether the new system will be successful or not.   Some customer may refuse to make orders using the new system introduced in the organization.   This may lead to the failure of the system leading to a big loss to the company.   When customers refuse to use the new system then they will be lost leading to decreased sales. Customers might refuse to use the new system just may be because they are no informed in time or poor communication.   They may also just refuse due to differences in cultural background.   Therefore this is an important factor that might lead to the failure of the new system. The cost of implementation may also be too high for the company to realize the financial benefits it wants to meet.   It might decide to use the new system without financial evaluation, which is very important.   This may also lead to the failure of the company. Reference Sat Zinger, J. (2004). Systems analysis and Design in a changing world.   London: Thompson publishers.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Discourage people from damaging their own health Essay

What more should be done to discourage people from damaging their own health? Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Discouraging people from damaging their own health is important because it will help the people to live a healthy lifestyle and with a healthy lifestyle, the people can live longer without any health problems or diseases. There are many ways to discourage people from damaging their own health, especially such as discouraging the people from smoking. To discourage people from smoking it can be done by putting tobacco labels, stop advertising, raising taxes and banning smoking. Tobacco labels are like warning messages that appear on the packaging of cigarettes and other tobacco products concerning the health effects of those products. There have been implemented in an effort to enhance the public’s awareness of the harmful effects of smoking. For example, in the United States, on September 2012, all cigarettes for sale or distributed in the United States were to be packaged or advertised with these new cigarette health and a stop smoking hotline number. Studies have shown that viewers had a stronger response to the pictures than to written warnings. Cigarettes advertisements that are carried on televisions, radios and internet websites, should be stopped. If it is not being put to a halt, the people will smoke more and damage their own health more. Instead they should advertise the side effects of smoking too much cigarettes. For example, in the United States, the congress banned cigarette advertising on TV and radio in 1971 and spit tobacco advertising in 1987. The American Legacy Foundation and many states have made anti-smoking public service messages that are featured on television, radio, and billboards. Some tobacco companies have come up with their own advertisements, which appear to be anti-smoking and it actually helps reduce the amount of smokers. Raising the taxes of cigarettes, will reduce the amount of people or may be even stop them from smoking therefore the people will be able to live healthy a lifestyle. An example is in the U.S. The taxes on cigarettes have risen in many states in recent years. These increased costs have been shown to discourage young people from starting to smoke and encourage smokers to quit. As of early 2014, the federal cigarette tax is $1.01 per pack. State taxes on tobacco vary from as low as 17 cents in Missouri to up  to $4.35 a pack in New York. Nearly all states and Washington DC levy their own taxes on other tobacco products such as cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, and chewing tobacco. As of 2014, Pennsylvania charges no state tax on non-cigarette tobacco products, while Minnesota and Washington both charge 95% of the wholesale price of the tobacco product in taxes. The most important way to stop people from smoking is by banning smoking in some countries. This means that the government will introduce the law into the country and if anyone who goes against the law, will have to pay a fine. In the United States, the laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia restrict or do not allow smoking in certain public places. These laws range from simple restrictions, such as designated areas in state or local government buildings, to laws that ban smoking in all public places and workplaces. Federal buildings are required to be smoke-free. Smoking is also banned on all domestic airplane flights. According to the US Surgeon General, smoke-free policies that ban smoking in all indoor areas are the only way to be sure that people are not exposed to secondhand smoke at work and in other public places. In my conclusion, I think the government or any organizations should be raise more awareness of the side effects of smoking cigarettes by organizing exhibitions, making leaflets about the side effects of smoking and televisions advertisements to raise awareness. From there, the people would understand the bad effects of smoking too much cigarettes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


# 8217 ; s Taxonomy Essay, Research Paper Bloom? s Taxonomy is the higher order of thought. Imagine a pyramid ; to acquire to the top, you must first complete what is on the underside. Bloom? s Taxonomy is divided into 6 different subdivisions, each one stipulating what accomplishments are being demonstrated. The first and easiest block is knowledge. In cognition you observe and callback of information, cognition of day of the months, events, topographic points, major thoughts, and of capable affair. Some hints to place cognition is if it asks or you list, define, state, depict, place, demo, label, collect, examine, tabulate, quotation mark, name, who, when, where. The 2nd measure would be comprehension. Comprehension consist of understanding information, appreciation significance, interpret cognition into new context, interpret facts, comparison, contrast, order, group, infer causes, predict effects. Keywords to descry Comprehension would be: sum up, depict, construe, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimation, d ifferentiate, discuss, and extend. Layer figure three is Application. This is where it starts to acquire harder. Application involves utilizing information, methods, constructs, and theories in new state of affairss, work outing jobs utilizing needed accomplishments or cognition. Look out for these words to assist you place application: apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illust rate, show, solve, examine, modify, relate, change, classify, experiment, and discover. Step four is Analysis. Analysis involves seeing patterns, organization of parts, recognition of hidden meanings, identification of components. Question Cues: analyze, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare, select, explain, and infer. The second to the last step, Synthesis, is hard, because now not only do the questions have to be answered for this, but the other steps should be done as well, to be able to fully understand. The elements that contribute to synthesis are: use old ideas to create new ones, generalize from given facts, relate knowledge from several areas, predict, and draw conclusions. Clue words include combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, invent, what it?, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, and rewrite. Last and definitely the hardest because incorporate all previous 5 steps, is Evaluation. Evaluation compare s and discriminates between ideas, assess value of theories, presentations, makes choices based on reasoned argument, verifies value of evidence, and recognizes subjectivity. Suggested hints include assess, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain, discriminate, support, conclude, compare, and summarize.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Discussion part for paper of Customers and marketers co-creating a Essay

The Discussion part for paper of Customers and marketers co-creating a purchase experience - Essay Example Customer purchases is not only about products and services. The personal experience of the customers upon purchasing a product and/or services also matters. The process of co-creation is important since it could enable the customers to develop a more valuable experience and emotional attachment with the company’s product and/or a specific brand name. This kind of relationship between the customers and marketers is vital in the development and strengthening of customers’ satisfaction and loyalty. The Co-creation theory focuses merely on the relationship between the customers and the marketers. Highlighting the role of employees and customer service manager in co-creation theory could create a more promising effect on the customers’ attitude and behavioural loyalty. Customers’ emotional loyalty is another aspect that can be included in the theory model since it has equally proven to be a result of strengthening the relationship between the customers and the marketers. Another area of consideration is the customer complaint management and service recovery since both could support and strengthen the customers’ satisfaction. Co-creation marketing approach could lead to customer satisfaction and trust that is needed in order to strengthen the relationship between the customers and the marketers. A strong relationship bond between the two is essential in developing and maintaining customers’ loyalty. Based on the research method that was presented in this study, satisfying the customers has more relevance in strengthening the relationship between the customers and the marketers more than establishing ‘trust’ alone. Therefore, marketers should focus more on customers’ satisfaction in order to strengthen the relationship between the two and for the marketers to achieve attitudinal and behavioural loyalty from the customers. Increasing the customers’ satisfaction is not totally dependent on

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Apple Supply Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Apple Supply Chain - Essay Example Apple Inc has able to develop a supply chain management that has been studied by most companies. With the recent earthquake in Japan, Apple is expected to face considerable supply issues but so far Apple has been able to survive the recent challenge. APPLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Apple supply chain management is unique in the sense that they manufacture the parts of their products in Asian countries, especially China, and assemble and market its product in California. Apple Supply Chain management is successful because of their successful outsourcing and the make-buy decision. ‘Outsourcing is defined as the contracting of one or more of the company’s business processes to an outside service provider to help increase shareholder value, by primarily reducing operating costs and focusing on core competencies’ (Kulkarni and Sharma, 2004). Apple has made great use of the outsourcing alternative by keepings its core competency, that is, its design and user interface wit hin the company while outsourcing the production. In this way, Apple has considerably reduced its operating costs through this process without compromising on its positioning as the best technology. Before proceeding further, we need to understand the typical movement of Apple products from the origin to the end users. Products such as the Apple iPod, iMac, iPhone etc are first designed in the Apple headquarters located in California. Once the team of designers develops the unique look and design for the product, the supply chain team in collaboration with the engineers and designers decides the suppliers for the particular product. Most of Apple’s products are manufactured at Foxxcon, a Taiwanese electronic company. This company is responsible for the products of the parts of iPhone while Apple keeps the original blue print of the product with itself to prevent any copyright issues (Xu, Tjoa and Chaudhry, 2007). Once the products are developed, they are shipped to Apple Inc. headquarters located in California. Thus, California assumes the responsibility of marketing and distributing the product. With the increase in demand of Apple products internationally, the products are distributed almost everywhere in the world including China, which is turning out to be the most developing market for Apple products. Thus, ‘Apple serves as the supply chain coordinator, integrator, and provider of operations best-practices, innovations, and strategies for all its partners’ (Simchi-Levi, 2010) THE MAKE-BUY DECISION For a supply chain to succeed in the best possible manner, the make-buy decision is the primary and most crucial decisions for the supply chain manager. The supply chain manager needs to be aware of the products that the company would be making and the products that the company would buy from other suppliers. This decision is based on the knowledge of the core competencies. Core competencies are those factors where the organization excels at and the key areas where the organization has able to develop a unique selling proposition (Monczka,  Handfield,   Guinipero,  Patterson and Walters , 2010). . In the case of Apple, the core competency is its design and the user interface it has developed for the consumers. The technology comes in part and parcel of the design while the actual production is secondary. When consumers buy Apple products,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Music - Essay Example is first work 9 Variations in C Minor† was published in 1782, when his age was 12.At the age of 14 he was the organist in the court of â€Å"Maximillian Franz, Elector of Cologne.† His meeting with Mozart took place in â€Å"Vienna in 1787.† Mozart highly appreciated the musical talents of Beethoven. In Vienna, he took music lessons from masters like Haydan, Salieri and Albrechtsberger. His talents won him admiration in the music circles of Vienna. â€Å"He composed Opus 1, the Trios for Piano,† in the year 1794. In 1795, he gave â€Å"his first public performance† in an academy known as Vienna and then began his tour to Prague, Leipzig, Dresden, berlin and Budapest. Notwithstanding his music talents, as a person, he was known for â€Å"his impulsive behavior.† â€Å"In 1800 in a new concert at Vienna† he presented â€Å"his first symphony.† With his innovations he was crossing the established norms â€Å"of music.† In 1801, he began to realize that he was turning deaf. This health issue turned him cynical and his life was useless and purposeless with this deficiency, he thought. But his passion for music was too strong and he kept pushing to the front. He engaged himself in what is known as Beethoven music, Sonatas for Piano, the second and the third symphonies, The Eroica and in due course many such creations. He wrote his 3rd symphony in honor of Bonaparte. On April, 7, 1805, the Erocia symphony was played for the first time. His creativity began to flourish. Pastora, Coriolan Overtue and Letter for Elise are some of his immortal creations. He fell in love with several of his students. Beethoven was given an annual grant of 4,000 florins, by his rich admirers and with that assistance it was possible for him to function as an independent composer. He was free to compose what he wanted, a true freelancer, under the command of nobody. When Archduke Rudolph became Cardinal, Beethoven began to composing his mass in D. The ninth symphony was completed in 1823. Soon,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflective Practice (qualititiave) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Reflective Practice (qualititiave) - Essay Example s responsible for the production of knowledge and/or theory, he/she was not responsible for its implementation or its practice (Green and Levin, 1998). Within the matrix of traditional research models, therefore, the researcher was neither reflector nor practitioner. The traditional research model constrained itself and limited its potentialities for the articulation of consistently practical, applicable and relevant knowledge. Delimiting the role of the researcher to collector, organiser, interpreter and disseminator of knowledge prevents researchers from reflective engagement with the topic of enquiry and, thus, detracts from the final output itself – the research. This, at least, ids the position held by a significant number of researchers (Reason, 1994; Park, 1999; Green and Levin, 1998; Reason and Bradbury, 2001; Bray et al., 2002). Having outlined the primary difference between traditional and non-traditional/reflective research, this present research shall now explore the strategies by, and through, which the researcher may integrate reflective approaches into qualitative enquiry projects. More specifically stated, following a definition and discussion of reflective research and its variant forms and strategies, the research will look into its potential contributions to a qualitative study on the social impacts of e-commerce. Reflective research represents both a reconsideration of the principles upon which traditional research is founded and, a break with it. The traditional research model, as briefly noted in the introductory paragraphs, demands separation between research and practice, between the researcher and the practitioner. Indeed, within the matrix of the research activity and the subsequent utilisation of its output, the roles of either are clearly separate. As Bray et al. (2002) note, the researcher’s role is confined to the production of findings and the practitioner’s role is the application of, and reflection upon, those

A Culture of Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Culture of Safety - Essay Example However, as management models have continued to evolve, people have recognized that an error can only be prevented if it is known. This is the basis of the just culture in nursing, which acts as a bridge between the traditional approach and a situation in which no one bears the responsibility of errors. The just culture enables an organization as well as its employees to learn from mistakes and create a system that minimizes chances of error. This paper explores the just culture in a nursing setting and its impact on the safety of the patients. The Role of the Nurse in identifying Potential and Real Threats Patient safety is the core mission of every healthcare institution. Nurses have a role in ensuring that the patients in a hospital setting are catered to adequately to ensure their safety. They are obligated to identify, whenever possible, the risks that patients face while in the health institution. One way of identifying threats against the health of a patient would be to open t he communication channels in the hospital. This would enable a nurse to report to the administration about a threat to the safety of the patients. Previously, the punitive system in such a setting inhibited such reporting and nurses only identified threats which they would not be able to hide. The just culture enables a nurse to identify a risk which may have occurred due to an error and report the threat in the appropriate manner. This increases patient safety as adequate measures can be taken to remedy the situation. This role of the nurse is, therefore, in line with the just culture as proposed by Reason (American Nurses Association, 2010). Steps in Minimizing or Eliminating Threats Rules and Regulations Following instructions that are set by the organization should be a priority for all nurses. Managers, according to Lazarus (2011), must put systems in place that will enable the nurses to carry out their roles in the institution effectively. These systems are part of the rules t hat are set by the nursing leadership to provide maximum efficacy at the work place. Nurses should therefore adhere to these set rules and regulations, in order to minimize the chances of errors happening at the work place. Most of the systems in place are tested and tried, meaning they have been found to reduce the number of errors that people can make at the work place. Although human errors do occur, a continuous improvement of the system, as proposed in the just culture will lead to the system achieving maximum efficiency. Acting with regard to these rules will minimize or even eliminate the chances of error. Nurses should only act contrary to these rules when there is evidence that acting according to them presents a threat to the patient (Lazarus, 2011). Attending Seminars Seminars and other meetings organized by the institution to sensitize employees in patient safety are a valuable resource to nurses. Policies that are proposed and passed during these meeting have an effect on the performance of the nurses, and it is therefore important that nurses attend these meetings. This way, they will be conversant with the rules and regulations, as well as contribute to the development of these policies such that the rules will also be in favor of the nurses. Patient safety can be maximized through such meetings since the stakeholders agree on the most effective means of achieving that goal. Nurses mostly deal with patients directly and are obligated to ensure the safety of the patient. By attending these seminars, they increase their knowledge and learn how to incorporate the new policies with their expertise. This is an important aspect for the safety of the patient and nurses should take this measure to minimize threats to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Business planing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Business planing - Assignment Example tract, extended warranty, free mobile phone pickup and drop facility for registered customers are sure to enable the managers to position the company competitively in the market. Currently, the US economy is considerably stable with an invariable interest rate. Inflation rate is also very less compared to other countries. The lower interest rate and inflation will allow the company to reduce the operating costs as well as the cost of sales which in turn will enable the managers to increase the margin of profit. The economic legislations in the US are considerably flexible and it encourages new business to come forth and set up their foundations which in turn will add to the growth of the economy. Given the fact that San Diego is the third most populated city in California, it provides Zaet Mobile home accessory with enormous scope to target a large base of potential customers. The total number of households in this part of the country stands at nearly 1 million with an average household income of $61,426 (Simons, 2011). The middle class to upper middle class income range stand between $75,000 and $215,000 (Pontuch, 2012). The high income earners earn more than $215,000 per year (Sillard, 2013). The large population combined with a high concentration of stable income households provides a ready market for Zaet Mobile home accessory which can be targeted in order to achieve business development and growth (Sillard, 2013). Zaet Mobile home accessory will be primarily engaged in the repair and maintenance services of mobile phones. The services will be extended to households in San Diego California. In addition, the business will also be selling mobile phone accessories such as cases, headphones, chargers, Bluetooth headsets and earphones. Alongside providing repairing and maintenance services of mobile phones, the company will also be providing consultancy services to its customers regarding the optimal usage of mobile phones and other associated accessories.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Recommendation to purchase Southwest Airlines Research Paper

Recommendation to purchase Southwest Airlines - Research Paper Example It is not long ago in 2002, when United Airlines, in the wake of the downturn resulting from the September 11 attacks, was forced to file for bankruptcy. Further, American airlines is operating currently with over $18 billion debt in its balance sheets. During the concluding financial year, the three biggest airlines in the United States have posted combined losses to the tune of $15 billion. This is huge considering the millions of money belonging to shareholders, which is at stake (Kevin Freiberg, 2006). In contrast, Southwest airlines have earned a profit of $178 million in 2008, although this figure is substantially less in comparison to the preceding year (decline by 72.4%). As such, the airline happens to be one of the few airlines to post a profit despite the problems being faced in the sector. this puts its profit at a much larger margin than the performances of all the other airlines put together. In terms of passenger traffic, the airline boarded more than $88 million passengers, a figure which has not been surpassed by any other airline, as per the figures from the Department of Transportation. However, it must be pointed out that Southwest is still placed 7th in terms of revenue with close to $11 billion in 2008 (Charles OReilly, 2005). When considered in tersm of its fleet size, southwest emerges the front runner and is capable to carry more passengers especially when including even its overseas routes. All along, especially since the period after the terrorist attacks in 2001, industry analysts have been constantly questioning whether Southwest would be in a position to maintain its upward trajectory. However, it must be recognized that despite the recent decline in sales, Southwest is among the very few airlines that has posted a profit when other carriers are experiencing both decline in sales as well as passenger volumes (Kevin Freiberg, 2006). It is therefore no surprise that Southwest has time and again managed to be included in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Determining the Concentration of Sulphuric Acid Essay Example for Free

Determining the Concentration of Sulphuric Acid Essay I am going to plan an experiment to determine the accurate concentration of sulphuric acid. It is thought to have the concentration between 0.05 and 0.15 moldm-3. I will be provided with a solid base which is anhydrous (powder) sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). To find the accurate concentration I will titrate the sulphuric acid against the sodium carbonate. The reaction following will take place: Na2CO3 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) Na 2 SO4 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O(l)1 Deciding the Amounts Sulphuric acid has a concentration about 0. 10 moldm-3 (half way between 0.05 and 0.15 moldm-3). I would like to use 25cm3 of sulphuric acid. This is because, it is not a wasteful amount and also it would reduce percentage errors because this is quite a large amount to use. It would be an ideal value to use. Furthermore, I will need to make up a standard solution from the solid base that I have been provided with, which is sodium carbonate. I would again ideally like to use 25cm3 of the standard solution per titre. This is because, the pipettes have the reading of 25cm3, which means the pipette is readily, available for this amount, therefore it is a sensible value. Consequently I will need to make up a standard solution of concentration 0.10moldm-3. This is because of the stoichiometry. The equation shows that for every one mole of sulphuric acid, there is one mole of sodium carbonate. Therefore, the concentration must be the same because the volumes are the same and the number of moles are the same. I estimated the concentration of sulphuric acid to be 0.10 moldm-3 because its halfway between the thought amount of 0.05 and 0.15 moldm-3, therefore the concentration of the standard solution must be the same. Deciding what Indicator to Use I need to use an indicator to see when the end point of the titration occurs, and they are used between acid and alkalis. I have decided on using 2-3 drops of methyl orange indicator fin my experiment per titre. This is because; methyl orange indicator gives an accurate indication of the end point using a strong acid (sulphuric acid) and a weak alkali (sodium carbonate). 2 Making up my Standard Solution As I have mentioned before, I want my standard solution to have the concentration of 0.10 moldm-3. I have chosen my volumetric flask to be 250cm3. This is because these volumetric flasks are readily available. In addition, I am aiming to do approximately five titrations, therefore this amount would allow me to do five titrations and have some to spare. I now need to find out how much sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is needed to make a standard solution of concentration 0.10 moldm-3. I need to use the equation: Number of moles = concentration (moldm-3) x volume(dm3)3 n = c x v The volume is 250cm3 so I need to divide this by 1000 so that it converts into dm3. Number of moles = 0.10(moldm-3) x 0.25 (dm3) Number of moles = 0.025 moles Therefore, 0.025 moles id required for the standard solution, nevertheless, I now need to convert this into grams by using the equation: Number of moles = Mass (g) / Molar mass(gmol-1)4 Mass (g) = Number of moles x Molar mass(gmol-1) Molar mass for Na2CO3 = (23 x 2) + 12 + (16 x 3) = 106gmol-1 Mass (g) = 0.025 x 106 = 2.65g Therefore, 2.650g of sodium carbonate is required for my standard solution. My experiment The apparatus I am going to use are as follows: * Burette * Conical flask * Volumetric flask * Rubber ball pipette filler * Distilled water * Beakers * Filter funnel * Teat pipette * Tile * Sulphuric acid * Sodium Carbonate * Scales * Spatula * Weighing bottle * Glass rod * Stand * Clamp * Methyl orange indicator Plan of Experiment 1. Prepare apparatus. 2. Weigh a weighing bottle accurately. Using a spatula, transfer 2.650g of sodium carbonate to the weighing bottle and weigh again. 3. Tip the contents of the weighing bottle into a clean 250cm3 beaker and reweigh the empty weighing bottle to find the weight by difference. This way I can work out the actual weight of sodium carbonate that has been transferred. 4. Add 50cm3 of distilled water to the solid and stir using a glass rod until dissolved. Transfer this solution into a volumetric flask using a funnel. Make up the graduation mark with distilled water using a teat pipette to ensure you so not overshoot it. This is now the standard solution. 5. Put a stopper on the flask and invert it about 20 times to make sure all the solution is mixed. 6. Using pipette filler, pipette 25.0cm3 of the solution into a clean conical flask. 7. Clean the burette out with distilled water and then again with sulphuric acid. Attach the burette to the stand, and fill the burette using a funnel with sulphuric acid. 8. Add methyl orange indicator to the conical flash only about 2-3 drops. Put the conical flask onto a white tile so the colour change is easy to see when titrating. 9. Titrate the solution until you reach the end point (when the solution turns orange), and record your results. I am going to use this as a rough titre. 10. Repeat this to obtain concordant results, concordant meaning results that are similar usually results which are in 0.1cm3 of each other. Risk Assessment Chemical Name Form Used Safety Statement Precautions Sulphuric Acid 0.05-0.15 moldm-3 Irritant Wear eye protection and gloves. Wear a lab coat. If spilt on skin dry with a cloth and then wash with water. If spilt dry with cloth and then scrub using water. If it gets it contact with eyes wash them with water thoroughly. 6 Sodium Carbonate Solid and at 0.10 moldm-3 Irritant, but if dust gets in eyes its harmful. Wear safety goggles, gloves and also protective clothing. If in contact with eyes wash quickly with clean water. If spilt on skin wash intensely. If inhaled move to an area of fresh air. If spilt anywhere scoop as much as possible up. 5 Methyl Orange Indicator 2-3 drops Irritant Wear safety goggles, gloves and also protective clothing. If spilt, clean it up using a cloth and water. If gets in contact with skin wash the area thoroughly. If enters eyes wash with clean water. 6 Why my plan will Devise Reliable results My plan will devise reliable result because of many reasons. Firstly I am going to do a rough titre in my plan, which means I will have a rough idea of my titration, so when I do my real results I know when to add it drop wise, so that I wont overshoot the end point. Another reason why I wont overshoot the end point is because I am going to use a white tile so I can judge the end point more accurately. Furthermore, I am only going to add 2 or 3 drops of methyl orange indicator. This will make my results more reliable because the methyl orange indicator is slightly acidic, so it would use up the alkaline solution, therefore by only adding a small amount of it will make my results more reliable and accurate. In addition, I am also going to wash my equipment out thoroughly with distilled water and then with the solution I am going to put that piece of equipment. This will remove any impurities that were originally in the containers so will make my results more reliable. Also, when I am measuring the solution, I will measure accurately by using a pipette to make sure the bottom of the meniscus is on the line to make my results more accurate. Also, when reading the burette I will put a piece of plain paper behind so I can read it more accurately. I will also, remember to take the funnel out of my burette as this could also affect the accuracy of my results. This is because drops are still on the funnel could enter my burette which mean more sulphuric acid affecting my results. This way by removing the funnel, I will achieve accurate results. 7 Finally, I am going to use accurate equipment as possible, which will minimise errors in my results. Overall my results will be very accurate and reliable! References 1. Article on types of chemical reactions, I used this to help me write my balanced equation for the reaction between sodium carbonate and sulphuric acid. 2. Information on the use of indicators in acid-alkali titrations, salters practical assessment. I used this to decide what indicator to use as it told me what to use if I had a strong acid and weak alkali. 3. Chemical ideas, 2nd edition, chapter 1, section 1.5, concentrations of solutions, published by Heinemann 2000. I used this to get the concentration equation. 4. Power point presentation on moles and concentration, This helped me find the formulas for concentration and to find out the mass. 5. Safety data sheet, I used this source to find out the safety statement of sodium carbonate and the precautions I will need to take. 6. Hazard cards, numbers 98 and 32, Cleapps 1998 and 2003. I used these to find out the safety statement and also the precaution I will need to take when doing my experiment for methyl orange indicator and sulphuric acid. 7. Skills for Salters as Chemistry, pages 3,4,6,7 and 29, chemistry department, 2007. I used this to see how I will use my equipment and use it accurately, giving me accurate results. Analysis I made up my standard solution by firstly weighing out some sodium carbonate. I weighed the weighing bottle and added approximately 2.65g of sodium carbonate. I then transferred the sodium carbonate to a beaker and reweighed the weighing bottle, so I can therefore work out exactly how much sodium carbonate I transferred. Mass of weighing bottle and sodium carbonate = 57.732g Mass of weighing bottle after transfer of sodium carbonate = 55.052g Consequently the accurate amount of sodium carbonate transferred is the mass of the weighing bottle and the sodium carbonate, minus the mass of the weighing bottle after the transfer which is: 57.932g 55.052g = 2.680g Therefore, 2.680g of sodium carbonate was transferred. Next I added about 50cm3 of water to the beaker and using a glass rod I stirred the solution until the sodium carbonate has dissolved. This was then fully transferred to a volumetric flask and water was added to the 250cm3 graduation mark. I then used a pipette to transfer 25.00cm3 of this standard solution to a conical flask and titrated with the unknown acid. I used 25.00cm3 of the standard solution for each titre after the experiment; I had obtained results for how much acid was added for each titre. The results for how much acid I added for each titre are as follows: 20.10cm3, 19.85cm3 and 20.05cm3. I am now going to work out an average by picking out the concordant results (results which are in 0.10cm3 of each other) and dividing by how many there is. 20.10cm3+ 20.05cm3/2 = 20.075cm3. Therefore, my average titre was 20.075cm3. Concentration of Sodium Carbonate Solution I am now going to calculate the concentration of the sodium carbonate solution: 2.68g of sodium carbonate was dissolved in a 250cm3 volumetric flask using water, so I need to find out how many moles of the substance I used in order to find out the concentration. Therefore I need to use the equation: Number of Moles= Mass (g)/Molar Mass (gmol-1) Molar mass of Na2CO3 = (23 x 2) + 12 + (16 x 3)= 106gmol-1 Number of Moles= 2.680g/ 106gmol-1 Number of Moles= 0.0253moles. Therefore, I used 0.0253 moles in my standard solution. I now need to use the equation to find the concentration: Concentration (moldm-3) = Number of moles/Volume (dm3) I firstly need to convert 250cm3 to dm3 so that my equation works: 1000cm3 = 1dm3 250cm3 = 0.250dm3 (I divided by 1000). Concentration (moldm-3) = 0.0253moles/0.250dm3 Concentration= 0.101moldm-3 Consequently, I have calculated my sodium carbonate standard solution to have a concentration of 0.101moldm-3, rounded to three significant figures. Concentration of acid I am now going to calculate the concentration of the acid solution; therefore I firstly need to find out how many moles there is of the sodium carbonate solution, by using the equation: Concentration of Na2CO3 (moldm-3) x Volume of Na2CO3(dm3) = Number of moles of Na2CO3 0.101moldm-3 x (25/1000) dm3) =0.00253 moles The equation of my reaction is: Na2CO3 (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) Na2SO4 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O(l) This equation shows that the molar ratio of sodium carbonate and sulphuric acid is 1:1 which means is there is 0.00253 moles of sodium carbonate there is 0.00253 moles in sulphuric acid. The average titre as shown above was 20.075cm3, which I need to convert to dm3 which is: 20.075cm3/1000 = 0.0201dm3. I can now use the equation Concentration (moldm-3)= Number of moles/Volume (dm3) Concentration (moldm-3)= 0.0253 / 0.0201 Concentration = 0.126moldm-3. Overall, I conclude that the concentration of the acid solution is 0.126moldm-3.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Criminal Justice System and Terrorism

The Criminal Justice System and Terrorism Terrorism has become a part of up to date life. Hijackings, bombings, and assassinations on distinct countries of the world may appear like isolated attacks, but they contemplate a so straightforward reliance on aggression as a way to encourage communal, political, and devout change. They are components of a pervasive end supports the means beliefs being pursued to its most perverse conclusions. Many of these actions have been conveyed out by the constituents of Islamic Jihad, while other ones are part of a worldwide mesh of terrorists. Claire Sterling contends in The Terror Network that numerous of the terrorists were taught and equipped by KGB agencies from the previous Soviet Union. Analysis Terrorism has become the scourge of popular governments. Experts in the area approximate that less than 1 per hundred of terrorist attacks occurred in the Soviet Union, but as asserted by Rand Corporation professional Brian Jenkins, almost a third of all terrorists attacks engage Americans. Democratic authorities, used to considering inside a lawful structure, often find it tough to deal with criminals and terrorists who regularly function out-of-doors of the law. Yet deterrence is just as much a part of fairness as correct enforcement of the laws. Democratic authorities which manage not discourage criminals inescapably spawn vigilantism as commonly law-abiding people, who have lost self-assurance in the criminal justice system, take the regulation into their own hands. An alike backlash is starting to appear as an outcome of the incompetence of Western democracies to fight back themselves contrary to terrorists. But need of governmental determination is only part of the problem. Terrorists flourish on newspapers exposure, and report associations round the world have been all too eager to give terrorists what they crave: publicity. If the report newspapers provided terrorists the minuscule treatment their figures and leverage claimed, terrorism would decline. But when hijackings and bombings are granted famous newspapers vigilance, authorities start feeling force from their people to determination the urgent position and finally capitulate to terrorists demands. Encouraged by their newest achievement, terrorists generally trial again. Appeasement, Churchill wisely documented, habitually whets the appetite, and latest achievements have made terrorists famished for more attacks. Some report commentators have been reluctant to call terrorism what it is: wanton, criminal violence. They blunt the barbarism by contending that one mans terrorist is another mans flexibility fighter. But this easily is not true. Terrorists are not worried about human privileges and human dignity. In detail, they end up decimating human privileges in their supposed battle for human rights. Terrorism has been called the new warfare. But terrorists turn the idea of conflict on its head. Innocent non-combatants become the goal of terrorist attacks. Terrorist warfare retains blameless persons hostage and makes fighter and citizen alike promise goals for their aggression. Terrorism will extend even though conflict has not ever been formally been announced and our foe is not a lone identifiable country. Instead we are being victimized by a worldwide terror mesh angled on crippling American morale. Government and War First, we should characterize a terrorist. Is a terrorist a widespread criminal? If terrorists are only widespread criminals, then biblically talking, they should only be administered with by their owner governments. In Romans 13, the Apostle Paul states, he who opposes administration has are against the ordinance of God; and they who have are against will obtain disapproval upon themselves. For rulers is not an origin of worry for good demeanor, but for evil. Do you desire to have no worry of authority? Do what is good and you will have applauded from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you manage what is bad, be afraid; for it does not accept the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who adds anger upon the one who practices evil. This route of Scripture assists us make a significant distinction we will use in our investigation of terrorism. The Apostle Pauls teachings on government displays that criminals are those who manage bad and intimidate the municipal peace. Any out-of-doors risk to the reality of the state is not a criminal risk but a proceed of conflict which is furthermore to be administered with by the government. In other phrases, criminals intimidate the state from within. Foreign detachments intimidate the state from outside. In the case of searching household calm, the Apostle Paul summaries how authorities will accept of good works, but that authorities should convey worry to those who are wrongdoers. Evildoers should reside in worry of government. But in the case at hand, terrorists manage no reside in worry of the ruling administration in the nations where they live. Their authorities manage not believe of them as shattering citizen regulations and therefore manage not prosecute them. This is foreign to the American mindset. If an anti-Syrian terrorist assembly were founded in the United States, we would prosecute those terrorists as foes of the state. A U.S. founded anti-Syrian terrorist assembly would be illicit in the United States. And they would be illicit since theyre bearing out undertakings booked for Congress and the President. Only authorities have a foreign principle and war-making strategies. But Middle Eastern authorities manage not prosecute terrorists the way we would. Why? Because terrorists often convey out principles and yearns of such owner governments. Middle Eastern terrorists, far from fearing the sword of the ruling administration, rather than are often granted sanctuary by such governments. Governments who give sanctuary and even give acceptance have often taken up the mind-set that terrorists manage them no damage so why should they proceed contrary to the terrorist organizations? In detail, they are not glimpsed as a risk because terrorist assemblies are portraying out the owner governments policies. Both the terrorist assemblies and their owner countries are really foes of the American government when they arrest and murder U.S. citizens for infantry and foreign principle purposes. This is not citizen killing, but infantry warfare. Police, Court, and Correctional Systems   Ã‚  Ã‚   Every kind of scheme Common, Civil, Socialist, Islamic has localized variation.   Even in English-speaking nations, for demonstration, there is variation.   Canadian fairness locations more focus upon the right to a equitable test, free from prejudicial publicity.   In Canada, the public and the newspapers are generally ostracized from the courtroom, and there is little concern in misdeed news.   In England, there is more focus upon fairness in judgment, and producing certain the at fault dont proceed free.   English policeman dossiers along with two kinds of solicitors (solicitors and barristers) and two kinds of enclosures (Magistrate and Crown) assist double-check this.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Police schemes are rather distinct round the world.   With the exclusions of Japan and the Common Law countries, couple of nations contain their policeman agents firmly accountable for violations of municipal rights.   In Socialist and Islamic nations, the policeman contain tremendous political and devout powers.   In detail, in such locations, misdeed is habitually glimpsed as political misdeed and a co-occurring devout problem.   Police universal are the most evident (and accountable) emblems of criminal fairness, so one universal finding is that when policeman go incorrect to command misdeed, casual procedures of regulation (vigilante policing and community courts) are inclined to arise.   Other universal outcome encompass the detail that minorities universal appear to distrust policeman, and that the American discovery of community policing doesnt move well to other nations because it arrives off as too omnipresent (Braga et al. 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚   Court schemes of the world are of two types: adversarial, where the suspect is blameless until verified guilty; and inquisitorial, where the suspect is at fault until verified blameless or mitigated.   The U.S. adversarial scheme is exclusive in the world.   No other territory, not even the U.K., locations as much focus upon conclusion of factual guilt in the courtroom as the U.S. does.   Outside the U.S., most tests are worried with lawful guilt where every individual understands the lawbreaker did it, and the reason is to get the lawbreaker to acknowledge, own up to their blame, contend for clemency, or propose an befitting judgment for themselves.   Inquisitorial schemes have more mystery procedures.   Outside of the United States, one is probable to meet community (or neighborhood-focused) enclosures which offer an array of non-conventional, alternate sanctions.  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Correctional schemes worldwide can be equitably effortlessly differentiated by if they support corporal penalty (beatings) or not.   Some so-called civilized nations that assertion they are better than the U.S. because they dont have the death punishment frequently perform such corporal penalties as beatings and whippings.   Nations that perform corporal penalty manage are inclined, although, to have less of a correctional overcrowding problem.   Probation and parole, where they live cross-culturally, are inclined to be accessible only for native people, and not for foreigners neither immigrants.   Outside of the United States, jails are inclined to be less sanitary and unhealthy.  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   Juvenile Justice Systems alter widely.   Scotland has the toughest scheme, frequently judgment juveniles to rough boot bivouacs with a firm infantry regiment and compelled labor.   Germany has a juvenile justice system alike to the U.S., but there is more focus upon education.   Not every homeland in the world accepts as factual in exceptional management of juveniles, neither the notion of adolescence. Military Action Based upon the Apostle Pauls educating of government in Romans 13, terrorists should be classified as widespread criminals in their owner countries. But they are not prosecuted by owner nations and are often bearing out the infantry principle and foreign principle of that country. Thus, when terrorists strike, we should not outlook them as criminals but as foreign fighters who try to intimidate the very reality of the American government. Whether or not the terrorists have the firepower and strategic wisdom to really destabilize the U.S. government is not the issue. At topic is how to deal with a new kind of infantry aggressor. Terrorists are not widespread criminals to be endeavored in American municipal courts. They are infantry goals that should be halted since they are equipped and infantry foes of the American government who are on attack. Yes, America has other equipped foes, but they are not on the strike as terrorists are. In the identical way that it took customary detachments some time to discover how to battle guerilla warfare, so it is taking Western authoritys time to recognize that the directions for warfare have furthermore been modified in the case of terrorism. Diplomatic efforts have failed to assure Middle East authorities to assist the United States in conveying terrorist assemblies to justice. Meetings and discussions havent been adept to hit worry in terrorists hearts. When we battle terrorism we require recognizing we are conversing about war. Military warfare is distinct from citizen peacekeeping. In citizen peacekeeping, persons are presumed blameless until verified guilty. A civilian can be apprehended and detained before test, but should be issued except guilt is proven. Military warfare is different. A test is not held for each infantry action. In a sense, in a just conflict, a trial of kinds is held before any activity is taken. Discussion and arguments amidst congressmen and senators generally happen before conflict is declared. Fact-finding investigations, productions, testimonies, and other types of forethought proceed into a affirmation of war. In a sense, when the use of the infantry is engaged, the test time span arrives before any individual is battled or arrested. But one time conflict is announced, there are nothing less tests until the foe is defeated. And every one who aids and abets the foe is at fault by association. At present, terrorism is a one-sided conflict that the United States is losing. American fighters and people are being slain in the war. Unfortunately, the United State is not healing terrorism like war. The restricted conflict forces conceded to the President by the Congress are not sufficient and arent utilized in a methodical way to beat the enemy. If we are to win the conflict contrary to terrorism, we should recognize that it is war. Until we glimpse it as infantry aggression, we will be failed in finish terrorism in this decade. Constitutional Issues Terrorist assemblies are not dwelling in worry of their owner governments. Instead, law-abiding people reside in worry of terrorist groups. In one television interview a Middle Eastern terrorist was cited as saying, We desire the persons of the United States to seem the terror. The proficiency of these assemblies to convey out their agenda is not the issue. The basic topic is how U.S. government managers should deal with this new kind of infantry strategy. Terrorists have held American diplomats hostage for years, blown up infantry mixtures, and hijacked airplanes and cruise ships. Although some hostages have been issued, numerous other ones have been slain and the U.S. has been failed at penalizing more than a little number of terrorists. Although worldwide diplomacy has been the prime entails utilized by the United States contrary to terrorism, we should address what other entails may furthermore be appropriate. In the past, American managers have answered to infantry aggression in a kind of modes short of affirming war. The U.S. Constitution allocations the next forces to Congress: To characterize and penalize piracies and felonies pledged on the high oceans, and infringements contrary to the regulation of nations; to affirm conflict, allocate notes of marque and retaliation, and make directions in relative to captures on land and water. Terrorist actions drop into not less than two of the Congressional provisions for considering with attacks on the nation. They are: (1) to penalize infringements contrary to the regulation of countries, and (2) to affirm war. In either case, there are powerful Constitutional surrounds for taking activity contrary to terrorists. The adversity arrives in apparently recognizing the foe and being eager to risk offending numerous Arab countries who we address allies. Congress should recognize the foe and call that assembly a infantry target. Once that has occurred numerous of the other steps drop into location with less difficulty. At this issue infantry scheme should be established which can search down little assemblies of well-armed and well-funded men who conceal inside the territory of a owner country. We should furthermore evolve a political scheme that will permit us to work inside a owner country. We should make it clear how grave the United States takes a terrorist threat. American people are exhausted of being infantry goals in an undeclared war. Through diplomatic passages we should make two things very clear to the owner country. First, they should apprehend and penalize the terrorist assemblies themselves as citizen criminals. Or, second, they should extradite the foe fighters and give them up to an worldwide court for trial. If the owner homeland falls short to proceed on these two demands, we should make it clear that we glimpse them in complicity with the terrorist groups. But falling short to work out their municipal blame, they depart themselves open to the penalties of permitting hostile infantry forces inside their borders. Intelligence Collection   The criminal justice system has been the source of exceedingly precious understanding on al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.   The criminal justice system presents mighty inducements for supposes to supply unquestionable, dependable data, and the Department of Justice and FBI work nearly with remainder of the understanding community to maximize data and understanding got from each cooperator.   Below are just a couple of public examples. Cooperators Provide Intelligence on al-Qaeda and Other Terror Groups   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   LHoussaine Kherchtou, who was apprehended, Mirandized, ascribed with terrorism infringements, and cooperated with the government, supplied critical understanding on al-Qaeda.   He testified in 2001 contrary to four al-Qaeda constituents who were subsequent punished to life in jail after being convicted in attachment with the East Africa Embassy bombings.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   After his arrest in Afghanistan, John Walker Lindh pleaded at fault in 2002 to carrying the Taliban and, as part of his plea affirmation, supplied precious understanding about teaching bivouacs and battling in Afghanistan.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   Mohammed Junaid Babar, apprehended in 2004 for carrying al Qaeda and contriving attacks in the United Kingdom, has supplied understanding on terrorist assemblies functioning along the Afghanistan/Pakistan boundary and has testified in the thriving tests of terrorists in the United Kingdom and Canada.   He is arranged to testify in another terrorism test in New York subsequent this year.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   David Headley, apprehended in 2009 and ascribed in attachment with a contrive to blasting apparatus a Danish bulletin and his supposed function in the November 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai, has supplied exceedingly precious understanding considering those attacks, the terrorist association Lashkar y Tayyiba, and Pakistan-based terrorist leaders.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   Adis Medunjanin, an supposed aide of Najibullah Zazi, was taken into custody in January 2010, and, after waiving his Miranda privileges, supplied comprehensive data to the FBI about terrorist-related undertakings of himself and other ones in the United States and Pakistan.   He has been ascribed with conspiring to murder U.S. nationals overseas and obtaining military-type teaching from al-Qaeda.   Ã‚  Ã‚   * Other regulation enforcement cooperators are actually supplying significant understanding considering terrorist undertaking from East Africa to South Asia and considering plots to strike the United States and Europe. Incapacitating Terrorists Hundreds of terrorism supposes have been effectively prosecuted in government court since 9/11.   Today, there are more than 300 worldwide or household terrorists incarcerated in U.S. government jail facilities.   Events over the past year illustrate the extending worth of government enclosures in tackling terrorism.   In 2009, there were more defendants ascribed with terrorism violations in government court than in any year since 9/11.   Past Terrorism Convictions and Recent Terrorism Indictments   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   Richard Reid was apprehended in December 2001 and convicted pursuant to a at fault plea in October 2002 of trying to ignite a footwear blasting apparatus while on a air journey from Paris to Miami bearing 184 travelers and 14 crewmembers.   He is assisting a life jail term.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was convicted in November 2005 of conspiracy to assassinate the U.S. President and conspiracy to consign air piracy and conspiracy to decimate aircraft. Ali was punished to 30 years in prison.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   In May 2006, Zacharias Moussaoui was punished to life in jail after pleading at fault to diverse terrorism violations, confessing that he conspired with al-Qaeda to hijack and smash into planes into famous U.S. structures as part of the 9/11 attacks.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   In September 2009, Najibullah Zazi was ascribed with conspiring to use a tool for fighting of mass decimation as part of an al-Qaeda contrive blasting apparatus goals in the United States. Several of his supposed aides have been apprehended and ascribed in government court.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   During 2009, 14 persons were ascribed in the District of Minnesota attachment with an ongoing enquiry of persons who have traveled from Minnesota to Somalia to train with or battle on behalf of the terrorist assembly al-Shabaab.   Ã‚  Ã‚   *   In September 2009, Daniel Patrick Boyd and other ones were ascribed with contriving an strike on U.S. infantry staff at the Quantico Marine Base, as well as employing juvenile persons to journey overseas in alignment to kill. Just Punishment Although diplomacy has its location, it is so straightforward to glimpse that diplomacy and discussion manage not hit worry in the hearts of terrorists. Yes, American hostages in Iran were finally issued after 444 days. But other American hostages like Lt. Col. Williams Higgins were slain by Lebanese Shiite terrorists. In most situations, diplomatic efforts have failed to convey terrorists to justice. We have shown overhead that Romans 13 devotes government the right to accept the sword to defend its people from criminal risks from inside the homeland and infantry risks from out-of-doors the country. We have furthermore shown that infantry activity is furthermore sanctioned to penalize piracies and felonies and to penalize offenses contrary to the regulation of nations. With this as backdrop, we should now aim on the topic of just penalty which is recounted in Exodus 21. The standard here is that the penalty should be proportional to the crime. A referee could not cut up off a mans hand only because he rubbed another mans hand in a fight. The penalty was to be: set alight for set alight, wound for wound, and band of color for stripe. Excessive penalties were forbidden. Punishment was swift and certain, but it was furthermore equitable and proportional. Just and proportional penalties have been the form for both criminal and infantry punishments. Not that all countries have pursued this rule. But the United States should set up the lesson pitch by next this biblical principle. In the context of our consideration on terrorism, I accept as factual that we should request proportional penalty to terrorists and owner countries. First, this entails that we should not request too critical a punishment. Calls for bombing towns of owner nations in retaliation for terrorist activities should be turned down as unsuitable and unjust. But this furthermore entails we should not request too lightweight a punishment. Host countries that harbor terrorists and deny penalizing or extraditing terrorists should be forced by the United States. Punishment could arrive in the pattern of financial embargoes, import- trade items limits, severing diplomatic relatives, or even infantry actions. But the penalty should be proportional to the terrorist act. Excessive answer or retaliation will not only be unjust, but it will fuel the blazes of anti-American sentiment. In some situations, an American hit force of counterterrorists might be essential when the risk is both genuine and imminent. This should be the choice of last holiday resort, but in certain examples it may be necessary. In 1989, for demonstration, Israeli exceptional forces apprehended Sheik Obeid and no question crippled the terrorist mesh by conveying one of their managers to justice. In 1985, U.S. planes were adept to force an Egyptian airliner down to avert the getaway of another terrorist leader. These are admittedly actions which should be finished seldom and carefully. But they may be befitting entails to convey about justice. Conclusion In deduction, I accept as factual we should identify terrorism as a new kind of infantry aggression which needs governmental action. We are engaged in an undeclared conflict and Congress and the President should take the identical kinds of activities they would if endangered by a hostile country. We should work to discourage farther terrorist aggression in this decade. The best way to apply such a scheme would be through some kind of focused nationwide security court, an concept other ones have suggested with changing grades of specificity. Modeled on the exceptional court that authorizes surveillance in nationwide security situations, such an placement would maximize the public and worldwide legitimacy of detention decisions. It would put detentions in the hands of referees with all the prestige of the government court scheme yet with specific know-how applying directions conceived to defend classified data and organize legitimate security concerns. Such a court is furthermore, in m y outlook, the best venue in which to trial terrorists suspect of conflict misdeeds, utilizing directions that hybridize the present Military Commissions Act with usual government court practice. In addition, the present administrations reliance on a untainted regulation of conflict form for detentions has been a fateful error. But the try to revert to a prosecutorial form for handicapping terrorists would supplant that mistake with a scheme unsuited to the trials we actually face as a society. The right response is-as it has been since September 11-to conceive the detention scheme we require to handle the exclusive position of international jihadist terrorism. That is a task only Congress can complete and it is long overdue.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Evolution Of Warehouse Management Systems Information Technology Essay

Evolution Of Warehouse Management Systems Information Technology Essay The evolution of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) is very similar to the evolution of many other software solutions. Initially a system to control movement and storage of materials within a warehouse, the role of WMS is expanding to including light manufacturing, transportation management, order management, and complete accounting systems. To use MRP, as a comparison; Material Requirements Planning (MRP) started as a system for planning raw material requirements in a manufacturing environment. Soon MRP evolved into Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRPII), which took the basic MRP system and added scheduling and capacity planning logic, and eventually evolved into Enterprise Resource Planning, incorporating all the MRPII functionality with full financials and customer and vendor management functionality. Even though WMS continues to gain added functionality, the initial core functionality of a WMS has not really changed. The primary purpose of a WMS is to control the movement and storage of materials within an operation. Directed picking, directed replenishment, and directed put-away are the key to WMS. The detailed setup and processing within a WMS can vary significantly from one software vendor to another however the basic logic will use a combination of item, location, quantity, unit of measure, and order information to determine where to stock, where to pick, and in what sequence to perform these operations. 1.0. Introduction to Warehouse Management Systems Technology The majority of the problems that occur in the warehouse occur because of a lack of control: a lack of inventory control, operational control and/or management control. To become a dynamic, consistent organization, all the operations must be under control. In order to achieve this control, all the tools and technology available has to be used to get control and manage the warehouse operations. A control system is a means, mechanism or procedure by which we manage these operations. There are three basic objectives of a control system, either manual or computerized: To identify and coordinate the work that has to be performed. To direct the achievement of the work to maximize performance (productivity of warehouse resources and customer satisfaction) and minimize or eliminate human errors. To report the status of the work that needs to be, or was, done. A manual control system uses physical, paper-based technology to attempt to optimize warehousing operations. Due to the rate of change, demands for accurate, real-time in-formation, next-day-service mentality and marketplace competition, the use of manual systems in the next millennium will be unrealistic. A computerized warehouse management system (WMS) is the integration of bar coding technology, Radio Frequency (RF) communications equipment, hardware and software. Warehouse management software has the capability to optimize the warehouse and warehouse-related operations. Whereas the sophistication of manual control systems is low, the sophistication of WMSs can vary from simple stock location control to systems that truly optimize customer service, space, labor and equipment in the warehouse. It is important to note that one should not confuse WMS technology with business systems applications that impact the warehouse. A WMS is an operating tool that is based upon the needs of the warehouse operation and provides tools and information for the management of the warehouse. 2.0. Warehouse Functions To have a better understanding of the requirements of a warehouse and thus, the benefits of the warehouse management systems we first introduce the basic functions of the warehouse and then we can get into the benefits of having a WMS implemented in the daily operations. Traditionally a warehouse performs four basic functions: (1) receive product, (2) store product, (3) pick product and (4) ship product. Receiving. The basic functions in the receiving area are: the packaging of raw materials from suppliers, finished goods from manufacturers and other sources, and customer returns. Generally, receiving operations have two major needs: The need to have accurate receipt information with advanced notice, this facilitates the receiving operations by providing accurate and quick information from the senders host system directly to a WMS. This system translates receipt information into usable information for dock activity planning, order release and inventory allocation. The need to reduce the time the product spends in staging. A WMS minimizes the time the product sits in staging due to operator-directed put-away and system-directed put-away and system-directed put-away locations. Storage. The basic functions in the storage area are: quality inspection, put-away, product location and lot control and crossdock operations. The typical needs with respect to product storage are: The need to have adequate identification and tracking of product that are ready for put-away. The need to have an automatic selection of storage locations for pallets loads, designed to maximize space utilization, picking efficiency and minimize retrieval or put-away labor. The need for a stock location system that tracks identity and quantity of each SKU by unique storage location (in order to ensure product trace ability to customer). The real-time update of inventory, locations of lot and stock records to provide timely information. The more real-time update, the greater the reduction in the information lead time. The ability to cycle count inventory by storage location, as opposed to a physical on-hand inventory count. A WMS, uses cycle counting techniques. Crossdocking. A major deficiency in many warehousing operations is the absence of a stock location system. Knowing where and how much of a product is in the warehouse, is a basic fundamental to success of the operation. The absence of a stock location system requires that the inventory accuracy be reliable. Usually this implies counting the entire on-hand inventory for a single SKU. This process is not only labor intensive, but also can be affected by human error. A WMS provides the feature of cycle count by location, record accuracy can be verified by location. The result is a drastic decrease in labor requirements and time and a dramatic increase in inventory accuracy. Picking The basic functions in the picking area are: raw material picking, work in progress picking and finished goods picking. The shipping needs of a warehouse typically include: The need to select specific storage locations for picking based parameters such as lot number, stock rotation, order quantity and pick location. The need to minimize pick travel distance and multiple handling by pre-route and pre-post customer orders in storage location sequence. The need to perform case picking and broken case picking. Again the need for a stock location system is essential, since it provides a the foundation for efficient order picking. The picking functionality provided by a WMS is designed to exploit the existence of the stock location system to further maximize the picking efficiency. The ability of the computerized control system allows to minimize the picker travel time between picks and maximize actual time spend picking during discrete picking. 2.4. Shipping The typical shipping needs include: The routing of picked goods to predetermined staging lanes for order control and consolidation from multiple pick zones. Automatic bill-of-landing generation. Automatic updating of customer files. Automatic shipping notification to customer (via EDI  [1]  ). The shipping functions are designed to maximize the control of orders moving through packing, checking and loading. In addition, bill-of-landing, packing list, and customer file updating are used to minimize manual clerical tasks to reduce labor and improve accuracy and customer service. 2.5. Other Warehouse Function Capabilities. There are other functional capabilities required by every warehouse. Some of these need include: The ability to maintain product data files. The ability to generate activity reports in order to manage warehouse performance. The ability to monitor employee performance through transaction activity accumulation. The creation of an audit trail to facilitate error corrections in warehouse activities. The ability to track and access order status from order entry through shipping. The ability to provide access as needed, maintaining data security. The ability to facilitate efficient material replenishment. 3.0. Warehouse Management Systems Integration 3.1. Real-Time Radio Frequency Communications. The benefits realized from real-time Radio Frequency (RF) communications are as follows: Information availability Real-time status updates of receipts, manufacturing requests and customer orders provides the warehouse with tools to manage the on-going activities. Providing the warehouse with adequate response to the changing needs and allowing management to relocate its labor, equipment and space resources as required to maximize performance. Material Tracking Real-time communications allows verification of all transactions which affect material location. This verification updates status records are used in future transactions, are used to eliminate most material transaction errors, and provide immediate solutions to errors that are identified. Real-time communications allows the warehouse to operate more efficiently by providing quick and accurate information about open/empty storage locations for put-away loads, without the necessity of manually searching of the rack. Labor Pacing Real-time communications between the system and the operator allows the system to pace the operator from one assignment to the next. The system will provide the operator with the proper task or tasks depending on each operator availability and product requirement. The result is workload management that maximizes task accomplishment and minimizes labor idle time. Real-time RF communications is a valuable operational investment. The improvement in stock and inventory accuracy, labor management and responsiveness to manufacturing result in tangible cost savings. Most up-to-date WMS packages will support real-time RF communications. It is important to remember that effective real time communications will be depended upon the response time by the control system computer. It is important that the control system does not degrade the response time of existing applications, nor have an excessive response time. 3.2. Bar Coding. The benefits from bar coding can be classified as follows: Labor Reduction Reduces the time required to identify loads and locations to support real-time RF communications transactions. Data Acquisition Accuracy Bar code data entry, with a typical error rate of one in one-two million scans is both fast and very accurate. As oppose to keystroke data entry, with typical error of one in three hundred keystrokes, which is both error prone and time consuming. The importance of data accuracy is essential to the success of real-time RF communications, which is provided by bar code data entry. Compliance Labeling Bar coding is being consent, even mandated, by customers as standards placed upon product. This enables the customer quick receipt and confirmation of receipt when combined with EDI shipment data. It can be seen that the most compelling benefit gained from the use of bar coding is the effective support of data collection and real time RF communications. Without the bar code, both data collection and real-time communications (through manual keystroke input) will be full of errors and will slow productivity. Bar coding is a fast and accurate method through which real time communications can provide extremely important benefits. 3.3. Warehouse Management System Software. The warehouse management system application software, also known as supply chain software for distribution centers of warehouses, facilitates speedy execution of product orders for suppliers and vendors at warehouses. The WMS software is currently mainly used for inventory management. Most of the companies involved in the industrial, retail and transportation business are looking at this type of software as a solution to their current warehouse operational problems. Even though warehouse operations are not a completely new issue, there is not much information concerning the WMS. What are the top players? What is the global market share? The local market share? What are the vendors doing to keep up with on going market changes? To try and have a more clear picture the WMS an in depth look at the market trend for WMS has been performed and is presented in the following section. 3.3.1. WMS A Global Market Trend Report In the current market the software must handle merge-in-transit operations, multi-warehouses inventory visibility, multi-level bill-of-material, synchronized movement of component parts and light assembly and reverse logistics. WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Supply Chain Planning Software Order Management Systems Management Systems Inventory Management Systems Transportation Management Systems WMS Market Highlights  [2]   Global markets for WMS software is expected to grow to $11 billion by the year 2005 at an average annual growth rate of nearly 32% over the 2000 estimates of $2.8 billion. See Figure 1 in Appendix 1. The worldwide market for WMS is highly fragmented. It is estimated that the top fifteen supply chain execution software vendors accounted for a meager 32% of the $2.2 billion market in 1999. See Table 3 in Appendix 2. Most WMS vendors are adapting to provide software that offers web-based graphical user interface for convenient usage by internal users in warehouse, suppliers, customers and service providers. Greater demand for software that integrates WMS with order management, transport management execution, warehouse optimization or slotting, labor management and yard management, cross docking and reverse logistics. Implementation of WMS applications is increasingly measured in parameters including order and inventory accuracy, storage use, order fill rates, orders per hour and costs per order. Success in e-commerce is measured as a parameter of connectivity to trading partners, speed at which an order is executed, adaptability to ever changing customer requirements. These factors are driving the demand for supply chain execution software including WMS. The WMS market in North America was estimated at $1.1 billion during the year 2000. Market is expected to grow between 29-33% annually, during the period 2001 to 2005. The region accounts for slightly over 40% of the global WMS market. See Figure 2 In Appendix 1. North America market for WMS was estimated at $885 million in 1999. The industrial manufacturing and retail sector made up more than half the demand for WMS in the region. See Figure 2 in Appendix 3. 3.3.2. WMS Software Vendors The worldwide market for WMS is highly fragmented. It is estimated that the top fifteen supply chain execution software vendors accounted for a meager 32% of the $2.2 billion market in 1999. See Table 3 in Appendix 2. Most WMS vendors are adapting to provide software that offers web-based graphical user interface for convenient usage by internal users in warehouse, suppliers, customers and service providers. Vendors are not only trying to facilitate the acquisition of this technology, but they also are trying to keep up with the distribution dynamics that tend to change at the same pace as the market trends do. See Table 2 in Appendix 2. The integration of the real-time RF communications, bar coding and the WMS software, provides the proper platform for a computerized warehouse management system to perform the proper operational control in the warehouse. Nevertheless, the thought that WMS is the answer to every warehouse problem is not completely true. Even though the WMS are a necessity in todays warehouse operations, they still rely on human control, and having the proper team to perform the implementation and every day functions is as essential as choosing the proper system. 3.3.3. WMS Software Functions and Capabilities General System Functions. Most of the available management system softwares have common functions in their platforms, although the products tend to have its uniqueness feeling attached to each one, the reality is that there is a standard for a typical WMS software. The following are the standard functions of a WMS system: Appointment Scheduling. Receiving. Cross Docking. Inventory Control. Put-away. Replenishment. Order and Wave Management. Picking and Packing. Shipping. Yard Management. The capabilities of each function are explained below in more detail. 1. Appointment Scheduling. Provides the tools to collect carrier information and apply it to a calendar for better utilization of dock and warehouse resources. 2. Receiving. Handles all range of receiving possibilities that exist for the distribution operation. The most common capabilities are: Real-time RF or paper based receiving. Flexible PO/ASN verification. Critical data validation. 3. Cross Docking. Tasks are automatically created to locate the product at the receiving dock and move it to the correct shipping lane or storage location. 4. Inventory Control. Provides a feature to manage and control inventory in the warehouse. The most common capabilities perform by this function are: Inventory ownership tracking. Item attribute tracking, i.e. lot, shelf life, data code, and serial number. Inbound and outbound catch-weight capture. Flexible inventory transfer, moves, and adjustments. Cycle counting processes. Wall-to-wall physical counting. Real time inventory status control and inquiry. Location and zone configuration. 5. Put-away. Provides put-away features that can be used in the warehouse. The capabilities of this function are: System directed or assisted put-away. Configurable put-away strategies to optimize storage and asset utilization. Configurable generation of put-away tasks (typically put-away algorithms). 6. Replenishment. This function provides the process for directing inventory movement from reserve and overflow locations to primary pick locations in real time fashion. The capabilities of this function are: Automated replenishment task generated and dispatch. Multiple replenishment options, i.e. split case, case, pallet, etc. Configurable replenishment strategies. 7. Order and Wave Management. Provides the ability to accept and validate orders from the hosts order entry system, to coordinate picking and shipping activities, and to create waves that will sequence which orders are grouped and released to the warehouse. Waves can be planned based on criteria such as, routes, zones, zip codes, hot orders, carriers, or any other order information. The most common capabilities of this function are: Extensive wave building criteria. Configurable allocation strategies and dynamic allocation. Configurable cartonization. 8. Picking and Packing. Provides several picking and packing capabilities: Automated picking task generation and dispatch. Real-time RF and label based picking. Supports piece, case, and pallet picking. Multiple picking options: discrete order picking, cluster picking, and batch picking. System assisted packing. Outbound container ID generation and tracking. 9. Shipping. The shipping processes ensure that customer order quality and compliance labeling requirements are met. The capabilities of this function are: Real-time RF loading. Shipment consolidation and compliance labeling. Shipping documentation generation. Shipment loading management. Shipment verification and close. Carrier manifest generation. 10. Yard Management. Optimizes the productivity and accuracy in the trailer yard. It also extends customers control and visibility deeper in the supply chain by providing real-time access to trailer content early in the distribution process and more comprehensive trailer management inside the yard. Reduces yard labor costs by minimizing manual processes. Additional System Functions. In addition to the standard functions of the WMS software several companies have constructed their platforms with additional ones. I have compiled a list of the best selling softwares and their added and sometimes unique functions. See Table 1. Table 1. Functions for various WMS softwares. Company WMS Software Function EXE Technologies EXceedTM WMS Task Management Value Added Processing Billing Optimize  [3]   Manhattan Associates PkMS Task Management Third Party Billing Reverse Logistics (Returns) Value Added Processing Foreign Trade Zone Shipment Staging Transportation Management Systems3 HK Systems IristaWarehouseTM Value Added Processing Container Management Reverse Logistics (Returns) Shipment Staging Catalyst International CatalystCommand 9.0 Slotting International Trade Logistics Reverse Logistics (Returns) Transportation Management Systems Collaboration/EAI Systems Uniteq/ AquiTec SCM/400TM Reverse Logistics (Returns) Transportation Management Systems Interleaving/Multitasking Each function presented in Table 1 is described below in more detail. Task Management. Provides automatic generation and dispatching of tasks to users for: receiving, put-away, moving inventory, cycle counting, replenishment, picking, loading, and shipping. Value Added Processing. Provides inbound VAP such as: inspection, repack, and returns, as well as outbound VAP such as: kitting, packing, and inspection, and complex final assembly operations for customer-specific products. Billing/ Third Party Billing. Captures and invoices charges for storage and labor, enabling accurate and timely customer billing. Optimize. Models planned and existing facilities to identify cost effective and efficient layouts, product placements, and labor routings. Reverse Logistics. Provides the functionality needed to handle returns to your facility, either from the customer or the supplier; managing return authorizations, re-fulfillment, repair and other capabilities for the reverse supply chain. Foreign Trade Zone/ International Trade Logistics. Improves management of the firm by automating global logistics/ delivery operations while coordinating the management of documents and transactions for customer compliance. Shipment Staging. Provides processes to improve layout and dock utilization by assigning the proper space for picking and retrieving operations. Slotting. Provides optimized product placement strategies. Transportation Management Systems. Provides an upgrade to the transportation section by designing efficient networks for the movement of products through shipping confirmation, carrier assignment, schedule coordination, and payment processing. Collaboration/ EAI Systems. Improves the firm by expanding the supply chain network by synchronizing transactions and data among widely dispersed systems. Interleaving /Multitasking. Provides the ability to perform move operations across multiple functions. WMS Software Integration. WMS software con integrate with vrtually all bussiness applications. Usually most of the softwares include integration products that speed integration to host applications (such as advanced planning and scheduling (APS), transportation Management (TMS), order management (OMS)), ERP systems, radio frequency (RF) data collection devices and material handling equipment. 3.3.5. Benefits from WMS Software. The benefit from implementing such a system in a company is that enables then to move their product across the supply chain more efficiently, thus, increasing sales, improving fill rates and decreasing costs. Benefits from this type of systems include the following: Improved inventory accuracy and control. Improved customer satisfaction. Increased throughput and productivity. Minimize labor and material costs, and reduced operating costs. Efficient use of employees, space and equipment. Increased order accuracy and fewer selection mistakes. Increase on-time delivery rates. Integrate seamlessly witth ERP, APS, OMS and MHE Sytems. 3.3.6. Software Selection and Implementation. Software selection and implementation services have become major business for the different consulting firms and the software vendors. The importance of selecting the proper software and the proper implementation is never being so evident since the software and implementations failures have become very common in todays business. Software Selection. Enterprise software ranges in price from a few thousand dollars to millions. Most of the time a manufacturer with annual revenues of less than 200 million, wont even be consider a s a potential customer by the top software vendors. Implementation costs are also expected to match or exceed the cost of the software. Unless one is shopping for a very simplistic low-end package it is highly advisable to seek the services of an independent software selection firm. They can not only help to narrow down the list of potential vendors but can also help to prepare you in initial assessments of implementation costs and time frames. The most important part of the software selection process is to define the processes within your organization and to determine functionality that is key to your operation. Many times customers get lost in the excitement and forget about their core business functions. If you are a manufacturer, manufacturing is your core business function and you should be looking at packages that have been designed specifically for manufacturers. Dont buy an accounting package with a manufacturing module tacked on. In addition you should be focusing on the specific type of manufacturing you are conducting. Software designed for make-to-stock manufacturers may not work well for a make-to-order manufacturer. Software designed for electronics manufacturing may not work well in a machine shop. Software designed for discrete manufacturing may not work well for process manufacturing. Most software packages are initially designed with specific customers in mind, asking the vendor about their biggest custome rs will often give you an idea as to the type of operation the software was designed for. When you look at the detailed functionality of a product it will be important to have listed detailed functionality requirements of your operation. Never assume a software package must be capable of handling something you consider a standard business function. Some examples of detailed functional requirements are as follows: Multi-plant demand planning, Outsourcing specific operations, Back-order processing, Lot tracking, Forward pick location replenishment, Shipment consolidation, First-in first-out processing. Its unlikely that the software package will do everything you wanted it to do, so be prepared to compromise on some of the functionality. A list of some of the most known softwares can be seen in Table 1. Software Implementation. As with the software selection, the implementation will likely also need outside assistance. Whether you use consultants from the software vendor, a business partner, or an independent firm, the implementation plan will likely be the same. Its very important to listen to the consultants and be prepared to dedicate the resources outlined in the implementation plan. A common mistake made by companies going through their first major implementation is to underestimate the complexity of their operations, the extent of system setup and testing, and the impact the implementation will have on their operation. Like most other things the success of a software implementation will be based upon the skill of the people involved, training, and the effort put forth. One should plan to have your most knowledgeable employees heavily involved in the system setup and testing. Even with extensive testing there will still be some issues that wont be identified until after the system is up and running. Major issues have to be identified prior to implementation to avoid major pitfalls. After the system has been thoroughly tested you need to begin the process of employee training. The training should consist of written procedures for the tasks they must perform and hands on training. 4.0. Warehouse Management Systems Justifications As mentioned above the savings in a warehouse come from improving our operations. How do we achieve this? By control, and this control is achieved by using WMS. Some of the potential savings that can be expected from a WMS are the following: Reduction in operator key entry labor. Reduction in safety stock levels. Reduction in labor associated with not having to do a physical inventory. Lost sales and back orders due to inaccurate inventory. Reduction of manufacturing overruns due to inaccurate inventory levels. Reduction of manufacturing disruptions costs due to material outages. Reduction in inventory write-offs. Reduction of operator labor due to decrease time spent searching for a product or open location. Optimization of picking paths. The best way to understand the true financial benefits of a WMS is to properly document these savings and the magnitude of the savings. Since different warehouses have different areas of improvement, the savings will differ for each warehouse, but the overall savings that will be reflected/compensate with the investment of a WMS. 6.0. Conclusion. A key to the success of a company is customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is based on the ability to control your warehouse. A WMS not only will allow you to optimize customer satisfaction but also to maximize operati